As we enter into fall here in San Diego its wise to check in on your landscape just to make sure everything is set for our winter weather, haha. Regardless of if you live in Point Loma or Del Cerro here are a few tips on how to get your landscape ready for what come next.

Plant strawberries now to allow for a bit of winter chill as this will help provide better fruit.

Set out winter vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, beets, carrots and turnips to name a few.

Treat stone fruit with a lime sulfur spray to control leaf curl.

Harvest persimmons as soon as they are fully colored.

Trim overly tall or dense shrubs, always follow proper pruning technique.

Cut back ornamental grass when they turn brown, check on variety to determine proper cutting height.

Be on the look out for upcoming rain storms, turn off irrigation to help save water before the storm arrives and depending on how much rain we receive you may be able to leave the irrigation off for a while.

Hope those tips were helpful and enjoy your garden and the cooler temps.

If you interest in more information please reach out to Cleator Landscape Design. 619-917-3644