Landscape Design along the coast here in San Diego comes with a few challenges but also some great opportunities as well. Not only does the coastal environment come with a chance to create a strong sense of place with giant clam shell and driftwood turned into succulent planters along with the swaying movement of ornamental grasses. But we can also look to incorporate native plants such as Cleveland Sage, Island Snapdragon, and Sand verbena which have evolved to handle the harsh conditions found along the coast. Non native plants that are not invasive such as Coast rosemary, Echeveria and Aeoniums stand up nicely to the salt, sun and wind often found along the shore.

When planting along the coast its always best to seek out plants that have grown locally to thrive in theses demanding conditions or to find imports that share similar characteristics. As always stay away from invasive plants that will likely escape your property and out compete local native plants communities.

If you would like to have Cleator Landscape Design help create a beautiful outdoor space with a coastal theme please contact us at 619.917.3644