I just wanted to write a quick blog post today about the drought. I know that unless you leave under a rock everyone here in San Diego knows about the drought, but I wanted to give the single best tip on helping to ease our water emergency.

Remove your lawn, that’s it.

Cover your lawn with 6-8 layers of newspaper, then top it off with 6 ” of aged steer manure and let it all sit for about 4 months (if you have a bermuda lawn then strip the lawn first with a spade). The newspaper and manure will kill the lawn and prep the soil for future drought resilient plants such as Ceanothus and Arctostaphylos among others.

By doing this one thing we can vastly reduce our dependance on imported water while equally reducing your water bill. If you are interested in having Cleator Landscape Design create a beautiful drought tolerant outdoor space for your property please contact us at 619.917.3644