Here are a few bits of information that should help you in your San Diego garden this month.

Tending to your citrus this time of year is a great way to ensure you will have fruit to enjoy in the future. I recommend feeding your citrus right about now, and if you are replanting an older tree or planting a new tree be sure to dial in the soil. Proper soil will help to supply the tree with the nutrients it needs but also will reduce the frequency of waterings.

Removing your lawn. Water it well then cover it completely with clear plastic, secure the edges and leave in place for 6 or more weeks to completely destroy the grass. Then re-water and see what pops up, remove thoes few stragglers and you should be good.

Prune your spent hydrangea blooms to only two buds per stalk.

Prune off your grapes leaves within about 6-8 inches of the fruit when fruit is about the size of a pea. Leaving the foliage on the south side of the vine to help shade it from the summer sun. This will improve air circulation while still shading the fruit as it matures.

If you would like to have Cleator Landscape Design help create a beautiful outdoor space please contact us a 619.917.3644